This gathering of female theologians and theologians-to-be inaugurates and promotes a network for women at the intersection of faith, theology, and ministry. This includes women who function as theologians, use theology in their work, or have studied or are studying theology at any institutional level. Program includes lectures and time for sharing our stories and experiences as women in theology.
Network is open for all women, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, denominational affiliation, or socio-economic status. Everyone should be allowed to use their first language, with interpretation provided if possible. However, English will be used as a common shared language.
Suomen teologinen opisto (STO), located in Tampere, Finland, will host the first gathering on January 24th-25th, 2025. We warmly welcome fellow women in theology, both domestically and internationally! Please read the overview and invitation attached below for more spesific information.
Tämä kokoontuminen naisteologeille ja sellaiseksi kasvaville käynnistää verkoston naisille, jotka vaikuttavat uskon, teologian ja seurakuntatyön parissa. Tämä käsittää naiset, jotka toimivat teologeina, käyttävät teologiaa työssään, ovat opiskelleet tai opiskelevat parhaillaan teologiaa millä tahansa tasolla. Ohjelma sisältää luentoja sekä omien tarinoiden ja kokemusten jakamista.
Verkosto on avoin kaikille naisille riippumatta etnisestä ja kansallisesta taustasta, tunnustuskunnasta ja taloudellisesta tai yhteiskunnallisesta asemasta. Verkoston ja tämän kokoontumisen yhteisenä kielenä on englanti, ja lisäksi äidinkielen käyttöön rohkaistaan tarjoamalla tulkkausta, jos mahdollista.
Suomen teologinen opisto emännöi verkoston ensimmäistä kokoontumista Tampereen Teopoliksella 24.–25.1.2025. Toivotamme lämpimästi tervetulleeksi kanssasisaret sekä kotimaasta että ulkomailta! Luethan myös allaolevan yleiskatsauksen ja kutsun.
Friday January 24th
16.00–17.30 Registration
16.30–17.30 Dinner
17.30 Session 1 (host: Sanna Urvas)
Opening words, introductions, encouragement from the Word & prayer, worship
18:30 Session 2 (host: Sanna Urvas)
Keynote lecture: guest speaker Professor Elina Vuola (University of Helsinki)
20.00 Light meal / snack
Saturday January 25th
7.45–9.00 Breakfast
9.00 Morning devotion and worship
9.30–10.55 Session 3 (host: Einike Pilli)
Suvi Kankkunen (STO): Identifying common phenomena facing women in positions of leadership and influence (lecture and discussion)
11.05 Session 4 (host: Sanna Urvas)
Dr Anna-Riina Hakala (University of Helsinki): Bernard of Clairvaux and 12th century sex complementarity (lecture and discussion)
12.30 Lunch & team meeting
13.30 Session 5: Ecotheology and ecofeminism (host: Helle Liht)
Eveliina Hokkanen (IK Bible College)
Marjukka Laiho (University of Eastern Finland)
15.00 Coffee
15.30–17.00 Session 6: Planning the future of the network. (Chairs: Sarah Tiainen & Einike Pilli)
If you are participating from outside Finland, please contact us first via email: Let us know that you are planning to participate, so we’ll send you instructions on how to manage your payment and complete the registration form, since we are not able to process international payments directly on our webshop, but need to arrange your payment either via an international transfer beforehand or a credit card payment once you arrive in Tampere.